Car And Bike Scrap

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Car and Bike Scrap

Now Selling your old Electronics, E-Waste & Battery Scrap is Now Simple, Easy and Quick with

What can we sell Car and Bike Scrap for recycling online?

Scrapping entails chopping up the automobile and recycling it.

When should you do it?

A automobile can be scrapped if it has been substantially damaged in an accident, has been inactive for a long time and is no longer in functioning order, has passed its expiry date and the registration certificate (RC) or certificate of fitness has not been renewed by the RTO. The expiration date varies by state. In Delhi, for example, you cannot drive a car that is more than 15 years old if…

What is Car and Bike Scrap ?

The vehicle scrapping policy in India was implemented to remove obsolete and inoperable vehicles and motorcycles from the road. The major goal of the scrappage programme was to devise a practical and effective way to reduce the significant carbon emissions created by unsuitable automobiles.

How Does it work?

Following proposal approval, Vipezone will organise the delivery of our degaussing equipment to your premises via our safe truck for observed on-site degaussing. The media is then counted and/or its serial number is captured. Hard discs are then placed in a tray and inserted through the degaussing machine to ensure that all data is erased. Hard drives that have been degaussed are loaded onto our secure vehicle and delivered to a recycling centre for further recycling. You may also degauss in our safe recycling site.

Destruction Services

  • Data is completely destroyed, with no hope of recovery.
  • Data Destruction Certificate
  • Audit-ready documentation ensures compliance.
  • On-site video recording entirely protects