Hard Drive Disgussing Services

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What can we sell e-waste for recycling online?

We are happy to report that practically all kinds of outdated and unneeded electrical and electronic equipment, including laptops, desktop computers, cables, servers, appliances, and air conditioners, may be recycled. Additionally, we assist our clients in getting rid of batteries (such as lead-acid and SMF batteries) so we can recycle them.

What is Hard Disk Degaussing?

Hard Disc Degaussing, a kind of demagnetizing, entails subjecting magnetic material, such as a computer or laptop hard disc drive, or film medium, to a highly strong magnet in order to destroy the data recorded on the hard drive.

How Does it work?

Following proposal approval, Vikalpscrapbuyer will organise the delivery of our degaussing equipment to your premises via our safe truck for observed on-site degaussing. The media is then counted and/or its serial number is captured. Hard discs are then placed in a tray and inserted through the degaussing machine to ensure that all data is erased. Hard drives that have been degaussed are loaded onto our secure vehicle and delivered to a recycling centre for further recycling. You may also degauss in our safe recycling site.

Can a Degaussed Hard Drive be Reused?

No, Hard discs that have been degaussed cannot be reused. This is because the degaussing procedure eliminates not just the hard disc data, but also the startup files. As a result, a hard disc that has been degaussed will not boot.

Does the Degaussing Machine Generate the Report?

Yes, the entire report will be sent to the client, including the hard disc serial number, degaussed time, hard disc capacity, degaussing firm name, and so on.

What is an On-Site Degaussing Service?

On-site degaussing allows our clients to observe the whole degaussing process at their location / company / industry, after which the data will be checked by the IT team.

How Does free Degaussing Work?

We guarantee 100% free data degaussing service upon confirmation of the E-waste disposal order from corporate companies, financial institutions, or any other companies. Please contact us for further information about our free data degaussing service.

Destruction Services

  • Data is completely destroyed, with no hope of recovery.
  • Data Destruction Certificate
  • Audit-ready documentation ensures compliance.
  • On-site video recording entirely protects